Succession Ten Regions Map Pack (Batch2)

This is an exhaustive look at Succession Ten Regions Map Pack (Batch2). This page has 120 large images, not suitable for mobile connections.

This pack features regions #0002 Badorra, #0043 Quirina, #0089 Religina, #0107 Leverta, #0188 Dimenia, #0250 Scarrow, #0278 Nephalands, #0343 Ostaria, #0377 Newlanda & #0793 Summerta. This is the largest single pack we’ll produce containing 1,000 images.

Here are 1/5th resolution samples of the 10 epochs of all 10 regions in the perspective view.

Below these are 2k teaser images featuring a section of the 10 epochs and 10 styles cropped directly from the maps in their native 4k resolution.


Badorra is a map of sweeping planes. It has good water routes all leading off map in the 1st Age which unusually closes up with making an inland sea in the 2nd Age.

The Low Water epoch is particularly interesting with a good variety of both water and canyon features on one map.


Quirina presents all the features of every epoch nicely so there is plenty of variety across all the maps. Nothing dominates until you get to the Dry Mesa where a massive canyon stretches 3/4 of the way across the whole map.


Religina is a watery map. It has extensive seas which reach the edge of the map with good choke points. It has inland sea and lots of rivers.

It has a lot of mountains compared to the rest of the land. Overall this map has quite restricted travel routes for players. Handy for a bit of on-rails play.


Similar to Religina above, Leverta has enough mountains and waterways to restrict players travel routes. Leverta by comparison has a more distinct variety of biomes across the green epochs.


Dimenia like most of this batch has a bit of everything. Notably a good 1st Age southern sea choke point that opens out in the 2nd Age along with northern sea routes.

The Dry Mesa continues the theme with excitingly shaped multi-level canyons in the south.


Scarrow is a map of islands with the theme strongly present from the Primordial and Deadlands having a lot of small pool like lakes. The 1st Age is a maze of exciting islands that only improves as the waters rise. The Dry Mesa has a lot of canyons from big miltilevel ones to some of tinest ones seen so far.


Nephalands is dominated by a lake surrounded on 3 sides by mountains squeezed between a large inland sea and a desert. This feature is kept in the Dry Mesa with an attractive star shaped canyon with the 4th side now sporting a long meandering canyon.

In the 1st Age the desert has a river valley that doesn’t end in any ocean suggesting the water disappears below ground (the underdark?).


Ostaria has no volcanos except a single super volcano off the edge in the primordial epochs. Later it develops an exciting sea route with lots of islands and choke points.

This region really shines in the dry epochs with some of the most dramatic valley as the water leaves and comes back and an exciting array of canyon shapes during the Dry Mesa period.


Newlanda is a thoroughbred map through all the epochs, if it was person it’d be a Hemsworth. Except it has one very unusual feature. The 2nd Age has failed.

The water never returned making this map a rare anomoly, it has become stuck as a perpetual desert. The rivers are rich and forest is abundant but the land just can’t hold water so it’s a mass of barren desert and scrubland.


Summerta is a distinctly DnD map. It has Mountains to the north, islands to the east, moors to the south and a deep lake to the west.

In the 2nd Age the water level is a bit lower, the features a bit less dominating giving more land. But it keeps the character of the 1st Age in a more rugged way.


If you’d like to ask any questions about these images or have something you’d like to say reach out to @Leapin_guy on Twitter or Leap Interactive on Facebook.

Guy Jeffries1st look