Succession Five Regions Map Pack (Batch1)

This is an exhaustive look at Succession Five Regions Map Pack (Batch1).

This pack features regions #0137 Unicorea, #0216 Scar, #0312 Grantia, #0425 Lymphyria & #0448 Slactan.

Here are 1/5th resolution samples of the 10 epochs of all 5 in the perspective view.

Below these are 2k teaser images featuring a section of the 10 epochs and 10 styles cropped directly from the maps in their native 4k resolution.


Unicorea is a balanced map with a lot of landlocked water that doesn’t join up in any epoch. Mountains are evenly spread out as is every feature on this map.

If you rolled 2d6 on a random map making chart instead of 1d12 this is where you’d end up. Modrons would probably approve.


Scar is almost an island map. All the waterways reach the edge and are deep when they do so, presumably reaching the sea.

A sea route from the South to the East goes through a choke point so narrow it is the ideal point for a kingdom to control trade across the whole map. Both waterborn and overland traffic are going to cross here.

The dry Mesa epoch is one of the most exciting to turn up so far and suits the regions name.


Grantia is a map of fiords in the 1st Age. In the 2nd age it is a land of islands with a land edge that seems to maximise the amount of water in a square map. For ship based games this map presents lots of opportunity.


Lymphyria is a desert map, in every epoch it manages to have extensive deserts.

These deserts are peppered with volcanos, unlike other regions where they tend to gather.

Overall this is the least hospitable map to have appeared so far.


Slactern is a map of extremes all pushed together. It has extensive deep seas and lakes breaking up wide deserts. It has a lot of mountain chains. Where it has rivers it has a lot of rivers.

Even the Dry Mesa period is extreme, the canyones are very bold and shapely and the mountains are starkly snow tipped.


If you’d like to ask any questions about these images or have something you’d like to say reach out to @Leapin_guy on Twitter or Leap Interactive on Facebook.

Guy Jeffries1st look