Succession Free Map Pack (Batch1)
The Succession map #0248 Archerland is the first map published and can be downloaded for free on DrivethruRPG. This post is an exhaustive look at every epoch from the pack.
For the Map Packs that are not free, this ‘1st Look’ series allows you to check out the maps in detail before laying down your hard earned cash. In this instance its probably better to just grab the free download.
As an introduction or gateway-drug, depending on your outlook, this Pack has all 100 images at full resolution from the Archerland region. Each pack to follow this one on DrivthruRPG will be in the same format and contain between 1 and 10 regions. Pricing for the other packs start at $19.99 for a single region (like this pack), $31.99 for a dual region, $64.99 for a pack of 5 regions and $99.99 for a pack of 10.
There is a growing series of posts about this particular map. Initially looking closely at the features then expanding on ways to use this and the other maps to help inspire and present your own campigns starting with Zoomed in on the 1st Age.
Here are 1/3rd resolution samples of the 10 epochs in a perspective view.
Below these are two 2k teaser images featuring a section of the 10 epochs and 10 styles cropped directly from the maps in their native 4k resolution.
To see these 2k images unscaled you may have to right-click and ‘open image in new tab’. These are 8 bit jpegs, in the Map Pack all images are uncompressed 24 bit png files as sharp as the day they were rendered.
Archerland is a fairly typical Succession landscape. In the 1st and 2nd Age it has a single sea route that gives access across a lot of the map but doesn’t split it. There are land routes all around the map so players can walk or ride anywhere, even if it would be faster to sail. It has a little desert, just two mountain chains, a few islands and more volcanos than average. It is a bit sparse when it comes to woodland though.
Primordial epoch
Deadlands epoch
Ice Age epoch
1st Age epoch
Floods epoch
High Tide epoch
Low Tide epoch
Reborn Mesa epoch
2nd Age epoch
If you’d like to ask any questions about these images or have something you’d like to say reach out to